Versatile Low Resolution Spectrograph
Bench Testing with F4T5D Light

The Versatile Low Resolution Spectrograph is designed to be used with a Celestron C5 or C8 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope operating at f/10. The Versatile Low Resolution Spectrograph uses a 25 micron fixed slit, a 250mm focal length collimation lens, (25 mm diameter) and a Paton Hawksley Star Analyser 100 (SA100) grating.

The output of the SA100 grating is viewed with a small telescope for visual use or several types of cameras are used to take images of the spectrum. The cameras used are a Nikon D70 DSLR with 180mmED f/2.8 lens, a Sony Handycam HDR-CX160 video camera and a QSI532 with a 100mm lens.

The below spectrum is of a hand held battery powered five inch fluorescent (Satellite F4T5D) light with the light ten inches in front of the Celestron C8.

The below spectrum is taken with a Nikon D70 DSLR with 180mmED f/2.8 lens.

F4T5D light Specturm With Zero Order, First Order and Part of the Second Order

Satellite F4T5D light Specturm

F4T5D light Specturm

Satellite F4T5D light Specturm

Spectrum Processing

RSpec Specturm Calibration

Calibrated Spectrum Violet-Blue Region

Satellite F4T5D light Specturm

Calibrated Spectrum Green-Yellow Region

Satellite F4T5D light Specturm

Calibrated Spectrum Red Region

Satellite F4T5D light Specturm

Spectrum Measurements

Satellite F4T5D light Specturm

Mercury Spectra and Other Links