Leonids Meteor 2001

Leonids Meteor 2001

November 18, 2001 Sunday morning.

Meteor is between Eta Leonis and Regulus in the sickle of Leo. The sickle is laying down at the bottom of the image. Algieba (Gamma1 Leonis) and Adhafera (Zeta Leonis) are the two bright double stars at the bottom of the image. M44 (Beehive Cluster) is at the top, center, left in the image.

Paint Shop Pro 7.02 Minolta XD-11 35mm camera with 24mm, f/2.8 lense at f/4, 5 to 10 minute exposure, Kodak Gold MAX 800 print film, scanned by Oregon Photo when film was developed. Image processing was done with Paint Shop Pro 7.02.

The camera was mounted on a Orion Telescopes & Binoculars SkyView Deluxe EQ equatorial mount with an AccuTrack SVD Dual-Axis drive system (#7815).