Messier M67


Object Information
Messier object: M67
NGC (New General Catalog) number: NGC 2682
Discription: Open Cluster
Located in constellation: Cancer
Right ascension in hours:minutes: 8:51.4
Declination in degrees:minutes: 11:49
Visual magnitude: 6.1
Size: 30.0 arc minutes
Image size: 55.23 arc minutes high by 40.98 arc minutes wide
Image orientation: North is top, East is left
Detailed discription of M67 in SEDS Messier database
Other Messier galleries, images or catalogs

Observing Log
Date December 21, 1998
Time at end of first CCD image 03:16 PST
Time at end of last CCD image 03:20 PST
Clouded out in last image
Observing Location: At home on the drive way
Observation of object:
Sky Conditions
Sky transparency: 5.5 (Magnitude of the faintest star visible with the unaided eye in Ursa Minor)
Moon sets at 18:31 PST December 20, 1998
Astronomical twilight ends in the evening at 18:16 PST December 20, 1998
Astronomical twilight starts in morning at 6:00 PST
Observing Equipment
80 mm aperture refractor telescope and CCD Cookbook Camera
CCD image time: 2 - 240 seconds images added together
CCD dark calibration frames: 8 - 240 seconds dark frames

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