Moebius Syndrome

I have a rather rare disability known as Moebius Syndrome. I wrote this page for two purposes:
  • I have accumulated enough circumstantial evidence to conclude that my disabilities have a significant effect on my social interactions. Hence I hope -- for the people around me -- if you stumble upon this page, you would understand me a little better.
  • If you have Moebius too, please do feel free to get in touch. I'm no aunt agony though.
My disabilities include the following:
  • In addition to having my physical appearance affected by Moebius Syndrome, I am not able to have much facial expressions - smiling, frowning, raising my eyebrows, etc. I am also asymmetric; I have more control over my left eyelid than my right. I'm guessing this, and the fact that I can't raise my eyebrows, sometimes makes people think I'm staring at them.
  • I suffer from slurred speech, and this affects my effectiveness at verbal communication.
  • Because of these physical limitations, I think it takes a while to understand who I am. So let me save you some work -- I would describe myself as a kind, warm but also rather introverted person. On the other hand, if you find that I am accommodating and generous with you, please do not misconstrue that to mean I am a walk-over: I treat others with respect and compassion precisely because having a disability teaches me how unkind humans can be towards one another.
  • I have disabilities with my fingers/hands and arms. They are weaker and significantly less agile than the average person's. I have no problems typing this page, of course. But I have occasional problems with what many would consider mundane everyday tasks, like getting my seatbelt on and reaching into my back pocket for my wallet.
I am quite open to discussing my disabilities with people with non-malicious intent. Hence, if you know me and have something to ask/talk about, please feel free to do so.