Astronomical Sky Calendar
by Brian Casey , using Skycalendar by John Thorstensen

Start Month
End Month
Location Description
Latitude (DD MM SS) °  north   south
Longitude (DD MM SS) °  east   west
Time Zone Offset (HH) east   west of Greenwich
Daylight Savings Time (HH) subtract   add to time zone
Hours from Midnight, Moon rise/set

From this sheet, a John Thorstensen sky calendar is generated. The format for each line gives the phenomena for a single (local!) night, and each line is labeled with both evening and morning (local) day and date. Note that all times given are LOCAL CIVIL (zone) times.

From this sheet you specify the calendar year and month range. You can adjust your sky calendar to a given location, time zone, and Daylight Savings Time.  Daylight Savings Time is the number of hours to subtract from your time zone. For North America, Daylight Savings Time occurs from April 7 thru October 27.

The daylight savings time conventions (if used) are quite specific (to U. S., post-1986) and subject to change. I know that the code has many infelicities; if you should find actual errors, please notify 

Note: For more information on using the sky calendar, visit Skycalendar. You could also contact either John Thorstensen or Brian Casey.

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This web page was last updated 08/20/14