"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC"

Key to Catalog of Lunar Eclipses

Column     Heading     Definition/Description
   1        Date       Calendar Date (Gregorian) at instant of 
                       Greatest Eclipse. 
                       (Julian calendar is used before 1582 Oct 15).

   2       Greatest    Universal Time (UT) of Greatest Eclipse, which is 
           Eclipse     defined as the instant when Moon passes closest 
                       to the axis of Earth's shadows.

   3        Type       Type of lunar eclipse where:
                         N = Penumbral Eclipse.
                         P = Partial (Umbral) Eclipse.
                         T = Total (Umbral) Eclipse. 
                             (Tc = central total eclipse)

                       If the Type ends with:
                         "m" = Middle eclipse of Saros series.
                         "+" = Central eclipse (Moon north of axis).
                         "-" = Central eclipse (Moon south of axis).
                         "b" = Saros series begins (first eclipse in series).
                         "e" = Saros series ends (last eclipse in series).

   4        Saros      Saros series of eclipse.
                       (Each eclipse in a Saros is separated by an interval
                        of 18 years 11.3 days.)

   5        Gamma      Distance of the Moon from the axis of Earth's
                       shadow cone (units of equatorial radii) at the 
                       instant of greatest eclipse.

   6        Pen.       Penumbral eclipse magnitude is the fraction of 
            Mag.       the Moon's diameter obscured by the penumbra.

   7        Umb.       Umbral eclipse magnitude is the fraction of 
            Mag.       the Moon's diameter obscured by the umbra.

   8        S.D.       Semi-duration of partial (umbral) eclipse (minutes). 

   9        S.D.       Semi-duration of total (umbral) eclipse (minutes). 

  10        GST0       Greenwich Siderial Time at 00:00 U.T..

  11        Moon       Geocentric Right Ascension of the Moon 
             RA        at greatest eclipse (hours).

  12        Moon       Geocentric Declination of the Moon 
             Dec       at greatest eclipse (degrees).